EMP Survival Water Plant Medicine Wild Edibles Product Reviews
EMP Survival
A practical guide on how to survive a pandemic and other likely catastrophes that may follow.
Many high ranking government officials and top scientific leaders have spent decades trying to sound the alarm about the impending danger of an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack on our power grid. With projections of only 10% of the nation’s population surviving an EMP attack, here is what you can do to increase your odds of survival in a long-term grid-down scenario.
In short, a faraday cage is a specialized metal container that redirects the electrical pulse around (instead of through) your item. Luckily, a faraday cage can be easily made DIY style from a galvanized metal trash can from your local big box hardware store.
Convenience: it is a blessing and a curse all the same. With every modern convenience gained, basic human skill sets have been lost. We have grown o dependent on technology that if it was gone tomorrow, our existence would soon follow suit.
It has been labeled as the #1 Worst SHTF Scenario, but what is an EMP attack, what damage would it cause, and how can you survive an EMP Strike to America’s power grid? These questions and more are answered along with a free download of the 10 Critical Action Steps to Take Immediately Following an EMP Attack.
The best survival gear fulfills many needs, serves many functions., is easily portable, and doesn’t require electricity to operate. The SunOven fits the bill and is a perfect addition to your survival toolbox in preparation for an EMP Attack or any other disaster for that matter.
Tobacco is a common item that you’ll see in almost every blog about the “Top 10 SHTF Barter Item.” Unfortunately, most of these articles fail to truly illuminate the multitude of valuable survival uses of this underrated barter item. Tobacco isn’t just for smoking. Tobacco can be used medicinally, it can improve food production, and can be a sustainable currency.
Plant Medicine
People take burdock to increase urine flow, kill germs, reduce fever, and "purify" blood. It is also used to treat colds, joint pain, gout, bladder infections, liver disease, and high blood pressure. Topically, burdock is applied to the skin for acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
Wild Edibles
Product Reviews
The best survival gear fulfills many needs, serves many functions., is easily portable, and doesn’t require electricity to operate. The SunOven fits the bill and is a perfect addition to your survival toolbox in preparation for an EMP Attack or any other disaster for that matter.