Many high ranking government officials and top scientific leaders have spent decades trying to sound the alarm about the impending danger of an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack on our power grid. With projections of only 10% of the nation’s population surviving an EMP attack, here is what you can do to increase your odds of survival in a long-term grid-down scenario.
Surviving an EMP attack - One Second After
Make no mistake, a man-made nuclear EMP attack or a direct hit to the Earth from natural Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) / Solar Flare from the Sun would result in an immediate collapse of most of the nation’s critical infrastructure. In short, the power is out and every modern convenience we depend on is now gone. The world as we know it would be transported to the 1800’s without electricity. As novel and quaint as that sounds, very few of us still possess the self-reliant skill sets of our forefathers. Life was extremely difficult back then even if you already possessed the needed skill sets needed to survive.
Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you know the art of making fire?
Do you know how to procure clean drinking water without going to the tap?
Do you know how to preserve food without a working refrigerator / freezer?
Do you know how to regulate your body’s temperature without an operating HVAC system?
Do you know how to dispose of bodily waste without being able to flush it away?
Do you know how to identify the wild edible plants just outside your doorstep?
If you get sick do you know what local wild medicinal plants will alleviate your symptoms?
Do you know how to track, trap, hunt, dispatch, and process animals, and tan their hides?
Do you know any homesteading skills such as raising livestock, growing food, canning, baking bread, making soap, creating herbal medicine, sewing textiles, and chopping firewood, etc?
Don’t feel bad if you answered no to most of the questions above. I don’t know about you, but the first time I was asked these same questions my initial thought was: “No, I don’t know how to do these things..who cares....I’ll just Google it.” And then, at that very moment, I realized just how dependent on technology I had become.
SURVIVING AN EMP ATTACK - Protect Electronics
I’ll admit that the premise surviving of an EMP Attack / Solar flare and the decimatinon our power grid seems straight out of a sci-fi thriller. Similarly, the method used to protect electronic equipment against an Electromagnetic Pulse is just as bizarre sounding. By making your own DIY Faraday Cage, you can divert the EMP around your electronic devices instead of through them (and thus destroying them). Learn how to make a DIY Faraday Cage for Under $30.00 from materials found at your local home improvement store: CLICK HERE.
Here is a quick video showcasing the testing the capabilities of one of these Faraday Cages:
SURVIVING AN EMP ATTACK - Act Fast and Take Advantage of the Calm Before the Storm
Most people will have no idea what just happened. They will assume the power will come back on eventually. To them, the power outage will either be a slight inconvenience or a novel excuse to go home early from work. In any event, these folks will not realize the true magnitude of the situation for a few days! We must take advantage of this calm before the storm and take action!
After an EMP Attack or direct hit from a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) / Solar flare, every second of every minute counts! Those in the know need to take massive action before the thin veneer of civility wears off and chaos ensues. For example, it won’t take but a few days before the faucet tap to drip its last drip. Faucet taps are gravity fed by water towers and once those towers are depleted, there won’t be any working water pumps to fill them back up. Therefore, one critical action step to take immediately is to fill as many containers as you can with this precious water while you can. Fill your bathtub, rubbermaid containers, and line garbage cans with contractor bags and fill those with water too! Water is an essential element to life. Can you imagine what people would resort to when trying to panic buy the last bottled water on the shelves? You don’t want to be anywhere near the stores when people start to figure out the power isn’t coming back on.
This is just 1 of the top 10 Critical Action Steps to Take Immediately After an EMP attack. Enter your email below to instantly download my FREE Action Guide for Surviving an EMP:
SURVIVING AN EMP ATTACK - Become Less Dependent on System and Become More Self-Reliant
The main reason that high level government officials and top scientists estimate a die-off of up to 90% of the American population is because of the fact that we have grown increasingly dependent on a very fragile system. With every modern convenience gained, skills were lost.
A majority of Americans currently survive on their weekly trip of groceries and their occasional fast food restaurant visits. What if restaurants and grocery stores were no more? Do you know how to procure food? Maybe you planned ahead and have 3 months of stored food for you and your family. However, what happens when that food runs out? The only surefire way to be food secure is by knowing how to forage wild edibles and/or how to grow your own food (and save seed). Another benefit to wild foraged food / food you’ve grown yourself is that the food will often be substantially higher in nutritional density compared to store bought groceries.
Knowing how to find and grow food is not enough. It is also imperative to know how to preserve your crops so that you have food stores to delve into in the winter months. There are many food preservation techniques to learn, but the three most common methods are canning, dehydration, and fermentation.
Knowing how to make and maintain a fire in a controlled manner is a very substantial human skill that some experts claim to be responsible for our primitive ancestor’s evolution and survival. Unfortunately, a vast majority of the population have lost the basic skill set of the art of fire. Fire can cook food, boil water, repel insects, provide warmth and light, incinerate waste, and keep animal predators away.
Another common modern convenience that we take for granted is navigation. Without GPS telling us turn by turn instructions, most of us rarely know what direction we are facing at any given time. Learning how to read a map is a great skill set to master.
Americans aren’t typically known for being specimens of ultimate health. Many of us rely on our doctors to provide us with medications that cover the symptoms of our bad health or if we get sick. Obviously, we ought to consider getting healthy now before any major catastrophe. But what happens in a long-term grid-down scenario when the pharmacies have been looted? Our pioneer forefathers and Native Americans knew what local area plants provided the same medicinal relief as your pharmacy bought medications. Better yet, most of these plants are “weeds” that grow in your own yard! Learning about medicinal herbs for first aid, sickness, and disease is a skill set that would be very valuable in a long-term grid-down scenario.
Another thing we take for granted now is our safety / security. People today behave for the most part because they fear the consequences and repercussions of getting arrested. As societal collapse begins, law enforcement officers will lose control and will opt to abandon their duties in order to be at home protecting their loved ones. This exact scenario happened during Hurricane Katrina (and the rest of the nation was already rallying to their aid). Safety will be paramount in a world without electricity. Knowing how to avoid trouble, how to identify it, how to defend against it, and how to eliminate it will be crucial to survival.
Once you acquire survival based skill sets that will keep you alive in a world without modern conveniences, you may want to learn more enjoyable skills that many people enjoy as hobbies today such as:
Soap Making
Heating and cooking with firewood
Making Butter
Baking Bread
Cheese Making
Cooking from Scratch
Home Brewing
Animal Husbandry
Bee Keeping
Distilling Alcohol (Moonshine)
Candle Making
Haggling / Bartering