Swiss Army Knife of Preparedness
This article explores one of the best survival gear options I’ve ever come across. Not only does it exceed my expectations for its multi-function capabilities, it also promotes the sensory discipline needed in order to not draw any unwanted attention to yourself. This item, of course, is the All-American SUN OVEN - the Swiss Army Knife of Preparedness.
After an EMP Attack there will be a societal collapse that follows. The thin veneer of civility will be quickly eroded and people will resort to some pretty desperate measures in order to keep their loved ones alive and fed. During a time of without electricity, the world would seem to slow and quiet down. Marauders (or a desperate neighbor) could easily be able to pinpoint the sound of a gas generator from miles away. The ultimate goal is to have Sensory Discipline and lessen the likelihood of drawing any unwanted attention.
Best Survival Gear - SUN OVEN
The other senses such as sight and smell would also be increasingly enhanced. The smoke from a fire or the smell of fresh baked bread could easily attract unwanted attention in a disaster situation. The SUN OVEN provides a solution to those problems and so many more! It can discreetly cook food, preserve food / medicine, pasteurize / boil water, and it can also sterilize medical equipment. It is like a swiss-army knife in terms of preparedness. And top it off, it is fueled by the unlimited power of the Sun.
As you may suspect, the SUN OVEN’s main function is to cook food using only the power of the Sun. You might assume that the food ends up tasting different. I was pleased to find out that food actually tastes BETTER if cooked in a SUN OVEN. This is for the simple fact that it locks in the moisture unlike a conventional oven that operates on dry heat. Once people bake bread in a SUN OVEN and experience the moistness of the bread, they rarely go back to the conventional oven.
“...fueled by the unlimited power of the Sun”
And this brings up a good point. Fresh baked bread smells amazing and it is a smell that many cartoonists have famously depicted swirling into the air and quickly gains interest of those nearby. Smell is a sense that often goes under appreciated today. In the stillness of a world without electricity combined with starvation, you better believe that your nose will pick up the faintest hint of delectable cooked food. Today, the smell of baked bread, sizzling steak, and anything with roasted onions or garlic has our loved ones running towards home. However in a world without electricity and starvation, you might expect those same smells to also draw some unwanted attention. The SUN OVEN has a rubber seal that not only locks in the heat and moisture, but also the smell! You can pretty much cook anything that you would normally cook in a conventional oven or stove top (the only major exception being that you can’t fry foods).
Sight is another sense that needs to be disciplined. Cooking on outdoor fires creates smoke. Smoke not only can be smelled from great distances, but the plume of the smoke can help those with ill will quickly pinpoint your location. The SUN OVEN does not require a fire (or any fuel for that matter) in order to cook food. It only requires the unlimited power of the Sun.
Doubles as a Solar Dehydrator
Another incredible “swiss army knife” function is that the SUN OVEN doubles as a solar dehydrator. That’s right! Not only can you use the SUN OVEN to cook food, but it also preserves food as well! In a world without electricity and refrigeration, food preservation is a very crucial necessity. Our forefathers spent most of the fall season harvesting and preserving their garden so that they had food to live off of during the bleak winter season. By owning a SUN OVEN you will possess a tool that will help you do just that. This is what makes the SUN OVEN one of the best survival gear options in my opinion.
The trick to dehydrating food in the SUN OVEN is to simply leave the glass door slightly ajar so that moisture and excess heat can escape the oven. You can maintain even lower temperatures of dehydrating by orientating the SUN OVEN away from the sun.
Triples as an Autoclave to Sterilize Medical Instruments
Sanitation is also a major concern in a world without electricity and running water. Recently, the world experienced a global pandemic where sanitation became a very important part of our everyday lives. Unfortunately, more pandemics are likely to follow an EMP Attack. Today in hospitals, medical professionals use autoclaves to disinfect medical equipment such as scalpels and other medical tools. Similarly, the SUN OVEN can also function as an off-grid autoclave used to sanitize medical equipment!
You can sterilize medical equipment within the All American SUN OVEN in one of two ways.
Let the appropriate instruments soak in boiling water for 20 minutes.
Wrap instruments in a clean towel, enclosing all edges. Preheat the SUN OVEN to 350F and place the package inside the oven. The dry heat method is accomplished by conduction where heat is absorbed by the exterior surface of an item and then passed inward to the next layer. The proper time and temperature for dry heat sterilization is at least 320F for 2 hours.
Quadruples as a Pasteurizer for Drinking Water
Pasteurization occurs when water is brought to 150F for 6 minutes. Pasteurization destroys microorganisms and dangerous pathogens that cause diseases from drinking contaminated water.
A Water Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI) is included in most models of the SUN OVEN. A WAPI is a transparent tube which contains wax. The wax melts and drops to the bottom of the tube when it reaches 150F for 6 minutes indicating that the water has been pasteurized and is now safer to drink. This WAPI tool can be reused hundreds of times.
REGISTER NOW for the upcoming “Brighter Way to Cook Webinar”
The best survival gear fulfills many needs, serves many functions, is easily portable, and doesn’t require electricity to operate. The SUN OVEN fits the bill and is a perfect addition to everyone’s survival toolbox in preparation for an EMP Attack or any other disaster for that matter.
You’ll Learn:
How to Boil or Pasteurize Water without Fire!
How to Roast, Bake, Steam, or Boil Foods without Electricity or Fuel!
The most energy-efficient way to re-hydrate freeze-dried emergency preparedness foods.
How to Dehydrate Fruits, Vegetables or Jerky for long-term storage!
To register for the webinar just click here.